
SUNTEX BRASIL sustainable synthetic leather product line
LIP line is the perfect combination of performance and positive impact for synthetic leather.
It represents our commitment to reducing of environmental footprint for the entire supply chain of footwear, sports articles, garments and upholstery, as a responsible chemistry.
LIP products are composed of renewable carbon-based high solids polyurethane, organic residues, plant extracts, organic cotton and recycled polyester, resulting in biotechnological sustainable articles. Replaces fossil fuel-based chemistry with plant-based raw materials and captured carbon alternatives, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Present up to 70% biobased content and a very attractive visual promoted by the natural alternatives to pigment from local suppliers, such as corn, grape, linseed seed, coconut and yerba mate. All these sustainable improvements do not affect the performance properties – LIP products maintain the characteristics of a PU high quality product and are compliant to MRSL standards.

LIP is a Brazilian product, that unites the eco spirit of this country with the best international technology, looking for environmentally driven solutions.

Desenvolvido e
fabricado no Brasil

Fone: +55 51 3110-7667
Av das Indústrias, 389 / Anchieta
Porto Alegre / RS / CEP: 90200-290
Líder no desenvolvimento de laminados de impacto positivo.

Fornecedor de marcas referência mundial em sustentabilidade